Yes, Sifu. I'm ready to begin my Ascension Pathway with this amazing training that will allow me to have more vitality, energy, vim and vigor.

Mind Force Meditation: The Mind Portal$97

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The Mind Portal: Esoteric Meditation Secrets Exposed!

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  • 1xMind Force Meditation: The Mind Portal$97

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Here's What's Included-Immediate Digital Download:

Mind Portal Manual ($27)

Mind Portal Phase I ($50)

Mind Portal Phase II ($50)

Mind Portal Phase III  ($50)

Mind Portal Videos ($200)

Bonus Meditation Music and Synchronizations ($100)

Original Mastery Through Meditation System ($50)

SUPER BONUS #1- Additional Guides ($30)

Total Value: $557
 Less Discount: $460
 Today's Special Price: $97

Mind Force Meditation: The Mind Portal$97

Kennssen T.

Awesome Sifu
I eagerly anticipate gaining such knowledge as I awaken and travel the course to spiritual enlightenment and elevation.

Gerti D.

"I just want to say thanks for these products...
It is like I've been waiting my whole life for these techniques and I don't know if I'm ready, but I'm going to give it a try."


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